Guillow’s Javelin Build Project

If your looking for a build project to do with your family. You can pretty much have fun with any of the Guillows models. I did this build with the Javelin. It is simple. Here is a list of the items you will need to assemble the kit.

  • xacto knife with a sharp blade.
  • Waxed paper to cover the plans.
  • Building Board (A ceiling tile will do. that is what I use).
  • T pins or straight  pins (the T Pin is best).
  • Pliers to bend the wire for the landing gear.
  • Glue – I use CA glue (thin and medium) you can also use the Testors wood glue (takes a little while to set).
  • A small square and small clamps to make sure the parts are straight and square.
  • Use a glue stick to apply the tissue. This avoids the smell of regular model dope and it is quicker to dry.
  • A mixture of half and half water and alcohol in a spray bottle to shrink the tissue.
  • A can of clear coat spray to help protect the tissue on your model.


The plans are fairly simple to follow and it does not require a lot expense. After building your kit I would suggest you locate a local indoor group to get some tips on balancing and flying your model. Make new friends and have some quality time with your family.


Happy Building.

James Packwood


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