
Recreation is a very important part of our society. You’re working 40 plus hours a week and you need to find some way to wind down from your busy schedule. RC Hobbies are a great way to get into a relaxing state of mind either by yourself or with your family. You can always find some kind of RC Event in your area such as RC Cars and Trucks. Most hobbies shops that specialize in cars and trucks will have an indoor and outdoor track. Clubs that include RC Boats will congregate around park ponds and lakes, RC airplanes and RC helicopters will have flying fields. So pick a hobby, find a club and ask questions.

The Hobbico NexSTAR .46 Trainer ARF Airplane is the deal for you. You get a great training airplane and  I can’t begin to tell you how important it is to incorporate a flight simulator in your RC flying hobbies. The Great Planes RealFlight 6.5 Airplane with Mode 2 InterLinkwill help you get flight experience before you actual take it up and when you can’t fly (because of the honey do list) you can keep you skills sharp when you do have a little time available.

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